JBC filmmakers are master storytellers - producing award-wining documentary films that inform, inspire and entertain. Beyond compelling storytelling, they become useful tools for learning and to spur change and action. We have worked in partnerships with NHPBS, Center for Independent Documentary, NH Breast Cancer Coalition, and Dartmouth Medical School/Norris Cotton Center among others. We've also hatched fully independent projects.
Throughout the summer of 2014, a corporate food fight played out in dozens of communities impacting tens of thousands of workers and the economies of three states. When the faction of the Market Basket board headed by Arthur S. Demoulas fired his cousin and arch-rival Arthur T. Demoulas as long-time CEO of the successful supermarket chain, it set off a firestorm that sparked one of most unique corporate dramas in American history. It’s what the New York Times called the last stand for the middle class.
FOOD FIGHT is the story of the battle to save Market Basket, and about the power of ordinary, passionate people to rewrite corporate history.
"FOOD FIGHT" co-produced with Melissa Paly and Tom Bennett, premiered at the Portsmouth Music Hall to a sold out audience. It then began a screening and discussion run throughout New England. The film won multiple awards including the "Audience Award" at Newburyport Film Festival, "Best Content" at the Boston International Film Festival, and "NH Filmmaker of the Year" at the NH Film Festival. Director Jay Childs has presented as a keynote speaker to groups large and small on the lessons to be learned from the "FOOD FIGHT" story, including short clips from the film. For more information visit foodfightfilm.com.
JBC was engaged by CrossCurrent Communications to tell the story of two therapists who come together to, as they say, fulfill their role as Americans to assist returning combat veterans returning home from deployment. Mission Reconnect is an evidence-based program of mind and body therapies for use by Veterans and their partners to support physical, mental and relationship health and help address symptoms of trauma, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Couples share their compelling and often emotional stories of their individual and relationship challenges that stem from their deployments, while honoring the love and commitment they have for each other. The project includes individual modules providing specific, in-the-moment techniques to allow the user to quiet and center their minds, and return to balance.
More information on the project may be found here. missionreconnect.com
Examines the “human ecology” of NH and the fact that NH (and other Northern New England states), are aging more rapidly than the rest of the country. This trend threatens the sustainability of a future highly educated workforce for NH. The film investigates how decisions made at the state and local level have contributed to this unbalancing of our human ecology and the roles employers, housing developers, conservationists, planning boards, and the University System among others can play in encouraging young people to stay in NH for college and after college, or consider coming to NH as a place to live, work and play. "Communities & Consequences" won "Best NH Documentary" at the NH Film Festival, as well as 4 National Telly Awards for excellence in "Documentary, News or News Feature, Educational Program, and Political/Commentary". It has broadcast repeatedly on NH Public Broadcasting. JBC is now in the fundraising and preproduction process towards producing a sequel project "Communities & Consequences II - Rebalancing NH's Human Ecology".
The Emmy nominated documentary film chronicles the struggle of New Hampshire nurse and mother Rosemary (Mo) Runnels, her family, her friends, her co-workers and her physicians as she endured a 20-month battle with breast cancer in a series of unforgettable, stunning black and white photographs and powerful words.
When nurse and healthcare educator Cindy Gourgue came to NHBCC with these photographs and story of Mo, NHBCC set out to create Caring for Mo to stimulate discussion about the impact of serious illness on patients, families and caregivers.
Inspired by Mo’s young son, Caring for Mo will educate you, move you and encourage you to think about your own caregiving. The film has been well received by dozens of medical and nursing schools here in New Hampshire and across the country. The film project partnered with Dartmouth Medical School and Norris Cotton Cancer to use "Caring For Mo" as a core case study as part of a Palliative Care and Physician Self-care curriculum.
Caring for Mo was nominated as best documentary by the Boston/New England Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences.